Developer log #13 :: FlexForm Autosave

As of version FlexForm has an option to autosave a form being edited in the background.

We have customers that could work for hours on a document and having an autosave was a must to not lose those hours of work by accident.

FlexForm added three options for the autosave : on interval, on change, or both.

  • On interval will save the page in the background every XX minutes (defined in the config).
  • On change will save the page whenever a change has been made and someone stopped typing for 5 seconds.
  • both.. well will do both :-)

Here's a short video showing how to use this feature and also shows it working with the Visual Editor and the TinyMCE extension. (Editors note: Although this video talk about WSForm (FlexForm used to be called WSForm), the functionality is still the same in FlexForm)

FlexForm-logo square.png
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